2024/06/23 PubMedの新着論文の要約(ADHD)

Correlation of altered intrinsic functional connectivity with

impaired self-regulation in children and adolescents with ADHD.

  • ADHD often co-occurs with impaired self-regulation, but the neural

correlates of this in ADHD are unclear

  • This study aimed to explore the impact of dysregulation on intrinsic

functional connectivity (iFC) in children with ADHD

  • Resting-state functional MRI data from 71 children with ADHD and 117

typically developing controls (TDC) were used

  • Children with ADHD showed stronger iFC in several networks compared

to TDC, and dysregulation influenced these differences

  • Connectivity within the default-mode network (DMN) was particularly

relevant to impaired self-regulation in ADHD

  • Impaired self-regulation should be considered when studying the

neural correlates of altered iFC in ADHD


タイトル: ADHDを診断された子供におけるEEG異常、てんかん発作のリスク、および3年後のメチルフェニデートの維持


  • 目的: ADHDを診断された子供でEEG異常(EEG-ab)の発生率を評価し、てんかん発作(SZ)のリスクと3年間のメチルフェニデート(MPH)の維持を調査することを目的とした。
  • 方法: 6〜14歳の517人のADHD患者を対象にした。3年後のフォローアップでは、EEG-abの存在、MPHの維持、AEDの使用、EEGてんかん様異常(EEG-epi-ab)のある症例と、年齢と性別でマッチングされたEEG-epi-abのないADHD症例とのSZリスクを評価した。
  • 結果: EEG-abは273例(52.8%)で確認された。EEG-abとEEG-non-abグループ間において年齢、性別、ADHD-Iタイプ、MPHの初回使用には統計的に有意な差は見られなかった。ADHD例のうち39例を選定した3年後のフォローアップでは、EEG-non-epi-abの発生率が高かった。3年後のフォローアップでは、EEG-epi-abの有無に関わらずADHD症例のMPHの維持には差が見られなかった。また、MPHの使用によりSZのリスクが増加することはなかった。
  • 結論: EEG-abの有無に関わらず、MPHの使用パターンは類似していた。EEG-abやEEG-epi-abの有無は、MPHの使用によるSZのリスク増加とは関連していなかった。


Neural bases of social deficits in ADHD: a systematic review. Does

the Theory of Mind matter?

  • ADHD causes serious interpersonal problems, including social

functioning issues

  • Social deficits in ADHD may be associated with impairments in Theory

of Mind (ToM)

  • Understanding neural correlates of ToM could help individuals with

ADHD improve their social functioning

  • Reviewed literature on neuroanatomical and functional correlates of

ToM deficits in children and adolescents with ADHD

  • Reviewed studies published between 1970 and 2023
  • Impairments in performing ToM tasks were associated with grey matter

volume in bilateral amygdala and hippocampus

  • Greater electrophysiological activity during ToM tasks observed in

frontal, temporal, parietal, and occipital lobes in participants with

  • More research needed to explore ToM deficits in children with ADHD
  • Future research should focus on neural circuits associated with

attention and inhibition, which contribute to ToM deficits in children
and adolescents with ADHD.


Distinct attentional and executive profiles in neurofibromatosis type

1: Is there difference with primary attention deficit-hyperactivity

  • NF1 children with ADHD have similar attentional and executive

function deficit profiles as children with primary ADHD

  • NF1 children with ADHD show slower response times, leading to

increased learning difficulties

  • Fronto-striatal pathway connectivity, dopamine homeostasis, and GABA

inhibition in NF1 may affect the development of neural networks
supporting attention and executive functions

